Supercharge your speech therapy!
Turn your iPad or iPhone into the ultimate speech therapy tool for people with communication difficulties after stroke or brain injury
Do you know someone who has difficulty speaking, writing, reading or understanding after a stroke or a brain injury? This is a problem known as aphasia.
Research has shown that therapy for aphasia is most effective when carried out intensively. Whether you’re working in a clinic or on your own at home, the Cuespeak therapy app provides a powerful tool to help deliver therapy with the intensity required to make a real difference.
Cuespeak is used and recommended by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) for therapy for aphasia and apraxia of speech.

What Speech & Language Therapists are saying about Cuespeak
Versatility and massive support for SLTs working with Aphasic clients.
I was recommended this app by another SLT. Since then I have not looked back. Jon Hunt the SLT mastermind behind this app has created such an amazing product with such incredible flexibility and enables individualisation for each client. Try it – you honestly won’t be disappointed as an SLT. Encourage your clients to buy but you will need to learn to customise and then send exercise sessions that work at YOUR client level.
Our SLT team had a fantastic demo of this amazing app today by Jon Hunt. Very versatile, customisable, great for assessment and therapy. Topics are updated weekly so are current and engaging.
Cuespeak is the only aphasia therapy app that makes me feel like a therapist!
Inspiring CPD session with Jon Hunt. The Cuespeak app is a comprehensive therapy toolkit which can be uniquely customised for each patient. We are so looking forward to getting started. Thank you for your time, expertise & innovation
Cuespeak is a fantastic, extensive and flexible language therapy tool. We are looking forward to expanding its use with our patients.
I use Cuespeak all the time with people with aphasia and love how flexible it is.
Please spread the word about @cuespeak an amazing and complex app made by SLT @JonHuntSLT. Years of work and research-based knowledge have gone into it.
After using Cuespeak as a Speech therapist I was keen to ensure that the new community stroke team had access to this fantastic app across all of our loan iPads in the rehab unit and into the community. The app has a much more functional feel than other aphasia apps and has a range of tasks which makes it really versatile to use with people with a range of aphasia presentations
Currently working with a client using Cuespeak and he is so engaged with it that his attention has also improved. Fab app. Introduced to the app through the BAS Aphasia Symposium last year.
Thoughtful, theoretically-grounded app; developed in consultation with people with aphasia and trialled by a user group. Regularly updated with new material.
As a SLT with over 20 years’ NHS experience, this app has been an absolute game changer for me. The ability to personalise exercises quickly, the responsiveness from the developers in providing engaging and up to date content, and the ease of use for me and my clients has completely transformed my clinical practice. There is so much content in the app, it means that clients can benefit from many many months of regular (often daily) use as the app grows with them. The ability to change exercises remotely is fantastic. My clients are motivated to practise in between sessions, giving them the high dose and intensity of therapy that is so beneficial ~ using this app to work on various aspects of aphasia has allowed me to see the most effective response to therapy in my career & freed up time to work more closely with clients and their families. This app should be a required purchase by NHS teams working with people with aphasia in order to improve access to high quality, evidence-based, cost-effective therapy.
A great app for impairment-based speech therapy exercises that is really adaptable. Excellent therapist features including progress reports
Cuespeak has become the “go to” app in our team. The contents and design clearly shows the developer understands aphasia therapy and what people with aphasia and their therapists want.
Crucially, the material is interesting and relevant, and a bonus is the addition of some humour. The tasks address a wide range of language and speech processing including semantic judgement, phonological access, orthographic access, sentence construction and speech production. There is plenty of “within task support” if extra cues are required and this contributes to the product resembling therapist delivered therapy. The variety of tasks, including activities that other apps do not address, makes it versatile to use with many patients. The quantity of practice items within each task is impressive and means that boredom is avoided, and a large quantity of practice is easily achieved. The app is easy to use, works smoothly and is visually attractive. Optional video tutorials are provided for each task and patients working independently might use these.
The app deserves 5 stars.
This is a brilliant aphasia therapy app and a really excellent resource. It makes a very significant positive contribution to therapy for people living with post-stroke aphasia. It has been comprehensively and thoughtfully developed with an eye to both current theories in aphasia rehabilitation and what is important for everyday communication. I can’t recommend it enough!
A highly comprehensive aphasia therapy app that can also be used for some aspects of apraxia therapy. The app is highly practical but based on sound theoretical principles
This is the future now for psycholinguistically-underpinned functionally relevant self or SLT-supported iPad language practice for people living with aphasia.
Genius! I wish I had had this technology 20 years ago! It would have saved days and days of preparation, and I would have reached the answers I wanted a lot sooner! Cuespeak allows me to support people with aphasia in a way that combines functionality alongside the theoretical underpinning of what we know about psycholinguistic processing. I am confident to use it knowing that its creator has an understanding of aphasia that is glaringly absent in other apps I have tried to use. The configurations of activities to target different areas (semantics, phonology, orthography), change levels of processing required, and vary the prompts, are endless, it is worth taking the time to use the settings available -if I can anyone can. Amazingly, the app updates with current affairs and topical themes which makes it engaging and relevant. I use it with clients with additional cognitive difficulties too as it provides structure to enable people to demonstrate competence rather than failure. It is intuitive for assessment, therapy, teletherapy, practice, teaching students and encouraging clients to ‘own’ their therapy – love it love it!
Real life sentences and lots of adaptable functions. Love the more “real life” nature of this app as opposed to the usual naming style apps as well as targeting sentence level which not many do. Also nicely intuitive for people with aphasia to follow especially when they make an error as it clearly states this. The new update has lots more ways of helping the client too which is fab. I recommend the app to lots of my service users with aphasia in the community.
This is the best therapy tool I have ever used. The levels, variety, clear pictures and breakdown of material is perfect. I introduced it to my dysphasic client just now and he was beaming with delight. The app both challenged him and gave him material he could do easily. He was delighted to read, select choices and then repeat grammatically correct sentences for the first time in 2 years.
Very practical, clinically focused and evidence-informed app. I think it’s amazing.
Using Cuespeak app with my dyspraxic patient having difficulties at 3+ syllable word level and set up a package to directly target what he needs – an amazing app for aphasia and dyspraxia – thank you @cuespeak. It’s amazing !!!!! Could not believe I could select so many different elements to target exactly what he needed – I’m in awe!
Simply amazing. Thank you for this app – used it with so many clients and their feedback has been so positive. Use this more than any other app.
Brilliant! The most comprehensive aphasia app I have ever seen!
I love the relevant and up-to-date detail in material available in the Cuespeak app. Brilliant work from @JonHuntSLT
Home Users
Find out how to use Cuespeak at home to begin intensive therapy tailored to your needs
Find out how to use Cuespeak to deliver intensive, bespoke therapy programmes to all your clients from a single app
What Home Users are saying about Cuespeak
Excellent app. Very user-friendly and versatile. It allows the user to tailor exercises to individual needs, and as progress is made. The built-in tutorials for the exercises make it perfect for independent use and it’s clear that aphasia and the challenges that people with aphasia face are well understood.
After a year of being recommended lots of apps for aphasia we found Cuespeak and what a great app it is. Now my husband uses it every day and still finds it helpful. This week an update did not load on our old ipad but after contacting the app makers it was resolved and I received fantastic customer service.
This app is just what we have been looking for to improve aphasia and limited speech. It’s easy to set up and self explanatory…. I totally recommend this.
I just wanted to thank you for your marvellous program. My husband has an ABI, has severe aphasia but, has not lost his intelligence. Your program stimulates his interest – there is no dumbing down. Keep up the good work.
We love the humour in Cuespeak, and the canny way that you get my husband to engage. The latest clip of Trump using Twitter allows us to talk about other social media platforms and the question on Covid, not allowing children to attend school again, stimulated conversation. I also get a real chuckle at your comments on wrong answers.
We really, really appreciate Cuespeak.
A great resource to address Mom’s aphasia and something she can do independently.
Cuespeak is an absolutely amazing app! I am an American using this app with my daughter who is 6 with a brain injury diagnosis, even though this app was made for adults in the UK, I can already tell it is going to be a game changer for her. It is both simple to use and engaging for her without being overwhelming. Seriously, I can see this app being expanded and used for therapy not just with aphasia and brain injury patients, but also people with learning differences like dyslexia. There are so many possibilities here! Thank you to the developers of this app! I will be telling all my followers on social media!
Introducing Cuespeak

Configure exercises to suit any level of severity of aphasia, from mild to severe.
Engaging, relevant exercises that relate to everyday communication with humour. Make personalised exercises about you and your life.
As much therapy as you want, when you want it.
Easy to use
Run a complete therapy programme at the press of a single button – no experience of using computers necessary.
All exercises based on up to date aphasia research.
1 month FREE trial, then just £9.99 month for unlimited therapy.
Explore the interface
What's it like to use?
Get to know Cuespeak – hover over the hotspots to explore

A large image can be shown to help contextualise the question
The question can be seen, heard or hidden - each demanding different modalities from the user
Select from the range of possible answers
Keeps track of your progress. See your entire history charted over time.
The toolbar buttons support you in eliciting the correct answer
Each exercise has a helpful video explaining how it works
Questions & Answers places word finding in a conversational context

See any word spoken and broken down
Practice anything you want. Enter your own script
Use context prompts to help understand what is required
Enter as many scripts as you need
Turns the reading task into a supported writing task
Each exercise has a helpful video explaining how it works
Scripts allows you to work on your own personal stories

Dictate, copy/paste or type your own text, then hit 'Generate script'
Add an image and a context prompt
Your text is used to automatically generate the exercise
Touch and hold a word to override the defaults chosen for you
Creating your own Script is incredibly fast and easy

Every word has a corresponding video showing the correct articulation
Control the speed and volume of the video
Articulation videos are broken down into words, syllables and phonemes
Record and play back your own attempt at the target word
Watch videos showing the articulation of every target word

Try to select the correct answer from a range of responses
Try to answer the 'WH' question - Who, What, Where, When & How
Your selection will play back within a sentence
Verify you have correctly answered the question
Focus on 'WH' question with Perspectives

See and hear a video of the word
See how the word is spelt
Practice writing the word yourself
Practice family names and other words with Wordfinder

View a large image of the topic to be discussed
See and hear some questions to get the conversation started
Talking Points is a great way to stimulate conversations with individuals or larger groups

See and/or hear the stimulus question
Try to arrange the words in the correct order
Verify your answer
Sentence Sorter is a great sentence sequencing task

See stimulus images or listen to a stimulus question
Order each sound tile. Tapping the tiles will produce its sound
Verify your answer
Soundspell is a great sound sequencing task

Match this stimulus to the correct response. Choose from written word, spoken word, picture, articulation video or sound effects
Choose the correctly matching response. This can be a written word, spoken word, picture or first letter
Match anything to anything - words, pictures, videos or sounds to words, pictures or first letters

See and/or hear the stimulus prompt
Choose any response to practice
Hear your selected response in a phrase. Try to repeat the sentence
Practice useful everyday phrases with Asking & Offering

Configure the content of an exercise with an extensive range of options
For example, focus on target words all beginning with the 'm' sound
Tap the '?' icon to see detailed help on each option
Configure the exercise to your exact needs
Contains a Huge library of content
Packed with features
Cuespeak has many features to help you get the most out of your practice. Explore some of our favorites…
What Academics & Researchers are saying about Cuespeak
Hugely impressive… It’s the first time I’ve seen a language therapy app that really makes use of the potential of the technology
I can’t stress enough how much I love this app. I have been using it today with a lady with apraxia and aphasia, particularly the “Asking and Offering” module. She was just so excited by how relevant it was to her life! Thank you @JonHuntSLT @cuespeak for making this lady’s day!!
Such a brilliant app, filled to the brim with brilliant content by @JonHuntSLT @cuespeak.
This is the future now for psycholinguistically-underpinned functionally relevant self or SLT-supported iPad language practice for people living with aphasia.