To view the current session’s contents from the home screen, tap the ‘view session’ button.

Common controls

Here’s a quick overview of the common controls on the session sequence screen.

  1. Go back to the homescreen
  2. Go back to the my sessions screen
  3. View help tooltips for further information on this screen
  4. View the name of this session
  5. Share your session (if enabled)
  6. Watch a tutorial video for this screen
  7. Toggle the view to see any hidden exercises in this session
  8. Add a new exercise to this session

Exercise cards

Each green exercise card represents an exercise that has been configured to meet your needs. A session sequence will contain one or more exercise cards.

Exercise cards contain a lot of useful information and controls. Let’s take a closer look:

  1. The exercise name – you can change this in the exercise settings
  2. A preview image based on the exercise type and format
  3. Number of questions shown on each run / total pool of questions those will be drawn from
  4. Edit the exercise settings
  5. Display the results history for this exercise
  6. Show any notes that have been set. This button will not appear if there are no notes
  7. Sequence order. The order this card will run when running the whole session.
  8. Run the exercise directly from this screen by tapping anywhere on the card (apart from buttons 4,5 & 6)

Re-ordering the session sequence

Starting a session from the home screen causes these exercises to run in the order defined here.

You can change the order of the exercises by long pressing a card to pick it up, dragging it to its new position, then letting go.

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